Don’t run… it’s not a race

My 19 year old son has always been in a hurry to experience life. We saw it as part of our job to slow him down. “You’ve got plenty of years to be an adult,” we said, more than once. Of course, it didn’t help 🙂

I can’t really complain – I’ve always been in a hurry to get things done, to get the next promotion, to see my children shine, to read the next book, to learn or see or taste or explore the next thing. I’ve been so busy.

With age comes the realisation that there’s no point in being in a hurry, because it’ll be over all too soon. There’s a quote from Colette, the French writer, that my clever wife often repeats. It goes “What a wonderful life I’ve had. I only wish I’d realised it sooner.”

Honestly, this is true for almost everyone. The brilliance of life is not in how much you get done, but in how much you are genuinely here, totally present, observing events and emotions with wonder. There’s a gift in everything that reveals itself when you let go.

Releasing labels of good and bad lets life work for you without you getting in the way.

Life is a flowing stream and you’re headed somewhere, so be wise and head downstream. Most importantly, be sure to enjoy the view.

With love,


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