Meet the Healers – Andrew Hughes

Hi fellow traveller, 

I started my journey to knowing my Creator in India about 30 years ago … it’s been a long walk and it seems I’m not done yet. I’m looking forward to meeting you on the journey to acknowledge the divinity within. Love, laughter and good friends await!


Andrew has led an interesting life this time around. Born into a strict religion from which his parents were ex-communicated for not following the rules, Andrew played by the rules for the next 35 years, ultimately becoming a lawyer for the big end of town. At the same time, he lived another life as a committed family man who meditated daily and was immersed in his personal spiritual quest, a life only his family knew about. His “mid-life awakening” came at 40 and led to a commitment – to live as one person, bringing spirituality into all things.

Andrew has been helping clients move on from the past as coach, mentor and therapist since 2008, helping draw back the veil of ego defensiveness for those brave enough to confront the enormity of who they are. Andrew’s core expertise is in the patterns of human behaviour, releasing the past and uncovering the path to emotional balance and power.

Find out more at

Meet Andrew and discover the Enneagram, one of the most powerful and insightful tools for understanding ourselves and others, at our next retreat in October at Kincumber South.

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