Thank you. You were right. Come with an open mind. I trusted you and it worked. I've seen things, felt things, realised things that either I thought I already knew or had no idea ever existed. Right now I feel more connected to Mother Earth, my ancestors, the world around me, my loved ones, and myself. It feels good.
Despite my massive discomfort, I do appreciate everything about this weekend and the efforts the wonderful teachers have put in to make us SAFE to capture, release and grow. THANK YOU, BLOODY THANK YOU.
A wonderfully relaxing, enlightening and connective weekend retreat mixing personal development and spiritual learnings in a powerful, positive and helpful way. Highly recommend for anyone looking for more connection to self and others, more meaning and understanding.
Paul Robinson
All sorts of weird, took me close to discomfort, in fact don't think I got too far away from that space. Then we unpacked a fair bit of 'shit' stuff I didn't know that I had packed. All in a safe space full of love and support. The journey continues – goes beyond thanks.
Tim Hazell
The whole experience was awesome, enlightening. Now looking for a better future for myself. Thanks for your hard work.
Jane S.

I can't explain how amazing this experience was for me, filled with unconditional love with no judgement. This is a process I feel is gentle, caring, loving & supportive for people experiencing life's turmoil, seeking answers. So it feels OK to peel off some outer layers of facade & expose your heart because it is safe to do so. There is sooo much love & support here – we are all on a journey! Wonderful tools to try, offered with love. Take it or leave it. If it fits, wear it ... but it fit with me perfectly. Many thanks for the love & compassion shared by all who attended. Much love & appreciation.

Thank you so much. What an amazing journey. Every time I think I know, I learn something even more profound. I am so grateful for you all creating the space.
Scott M.
I was fortunate enough to experience this amazing retreat. So much learning, love and laughter. Thank you xx
Sue Gilroy

I’ve had 2 nights sleeping in a tent surrounded by trees, birds and river water.
 Amazing food, great company and the cleansing of a beautiful Native American medicine woman, Shashona McCall. I haven’t slept that well in a long long time.

I feel so rested, nourished and grounded and I really really needed that. My life is very stressful at times for a variety of personal and professional reasons ... Thank you Michelle, Shashona, Tanya and Andrew for an amazing retreat. xxxx

Rebecca Gibson
This weekend is the best gift I could have given myself. I spent 2 nights under the stars surrounded by nature with the most amazing group of ladies and 1 man 😁 I laughed, I cried and I laughed a bit more ... actually I laughed ALOT and I learnt a shitload about myself. Thankyou, Tanya, Michelle, Shashona, Andrew and Heidi for creating this amazing retreat and space for us to reconnect to self and each other.
Michelle Popovski