About Us

We met in a roundabout fashion and found ourselves tossed together to form the backbone of a three day retreat, one in which we both originally thought we were to play only a small part. The universe has a way of making things happen.

What we discovered was that together we are greater than our individual gifts. A bubble of peace and safety was created at the retreat, which was entirely unexpected and delicious to experience. We weren’t the only ones to notice. We immediately knew it wasn’t the first lifetime we had worked together.

This experience began our commitment to you and to each other. We agreed to provide a sacred space for change, and for connection to Mother Earth, Creator and Self. Thus, Sacred Retreats was born.

Our aim is to provide a journey for those who seek to connect more with life and to escape the self-sabotaging patterns of their history and personality. This journey draws heavily on the traditions and teachings of the Swampy Cree Nation, passed down for thousands of years. It also incorporates a deep journey into your personality, discovering essential truths you may have forgotten.

We’ve broken the journey up into three retreats, each a step on the path from where you are to where you want to be. While each of these retreats provides opportunities to evolve and unravel, they are also opportunities to relax, rest and restore. It is for these reasons that:

  • The retreats are set in bushland in the beautiful Hunter Valley
  • We’ll do our best to organise a large, hypnotic camp fire
  • The food is simple, fresh, nutritious, and prepared with love
  • Phone reception is not always a certainty.

Experience your personal connection with spirit and give yourself permission to be open, vulnerable and to find out who you truly are. We promise to help you let go of the stuff you are lugging around, consciously and unconsciously. Most importantly, we promise to provide a journey full of love, laughter and light, beautifully garnished with the simple pleasures Mother Earth provides.