Recharge Your Energy

Have you ever wondered why you feel so tired after comforting a friend who is having a hard time? They leave your company feeling so much better, but you feel like you need a nana nap. It is because there was no exchange of positive energy. We two leggeds require an exchange of positive energy. Surround yourself with like-minded people. …

Listen to the Teachings

Listen to the wind in the trees, for with the wind comes great teachings.Listen to the waters lapping against the shore, for with the water comes great healing.Listen to the crackle of the fire, for with the fire comes great visions.Tread carefully upon Mother Earth, for we are her caretakers. From her depths come life. Move carefully through the doors …

Meet the Healers – Andrew Hughes

Hi fellow traveller,  I started my journey to knowing my Creator in India about 30 years ago … it’s been a long walk and it seems I’m not done yet. I’m looking forward to meeting you on the journey to acknowledge the divinity within. Love, laughter and good friends await! Andrew Andrew has led an interesting life this time around. …

Life demands balance

I often meet people who are sick of being anxious or sad or unhappy or caught in the churning river of life. While they may find themselves there for a range of reasons, there’s generally a common thread that binds all of their stories. That thread is the judgement they have made about themselves or their circumstances or about other …

Don’t run… it’s not a race

My 19 year old son has always been in a hurry to experience life. We saw it as part of our job to slow him down. “You’ve got plenty of years to be an adult,” we said, more than once. Of course, it didn’t help 🙂 I can’t really complain – I’ve always been in a hurry to get things …

Reality wins – move on

Reality has a way of biting you, especially if you’re ignoring it. Fighting it is even worse. In fact, it’s insanity. Does that mean you should just give up and “play the hand of cards that life has dealt you”? I guess you could, if that would make you happy. OR … you could acknowledge where you are and make …

Adversity hurts, but then what?

“Where you are is where you’re meant to be.” This is perhaps one of the most annoying things you can say to anyone, but it’s frustratingly true. History is replete with instances of greatness flowing from unimaginable adversity. Would Nelson Mandela have become the incredible world leader he was if he hadn’t experienced so many years of hardship? Hint: He …